20 August 2007


I joined my tour in Antigua - and was the sole American on the trip. I´ve been very lucky becuase there´s only 8 of us, making it a much closer-knit group. There are 2 guys from Australia, an Irish couple and 3 girls from England. Everyone seems to be pretty laid back.

We said goodbye to Antigua to head to Honduras. About a 6 hour drive from Antigua is the town of Copan Ruinas on just past the Honduran border. On the way, we were able to see some amazing countryside. The mountains in Guatemala are everywhere. We also were able to see the slums of Guatemala City. Although I travel to poorer regions quite often, it still remains difficult to see them.

The town of Copan Ruinas is very cute, and is much smaller than Antigua. In fact, you can probably walk from one end to the other in about 10 minutes. Our first night in, we all decided to drive to the nearby hot springs. My group and I all got on the back of a pick-up truck and drove through dirt roads in the Honduran country-side about an hour outside of the village. The hot springs were great, really relaxing, but the highlight of the evening was the great BBQ we had while we were there. We headed back into town for a night of drinking.

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