30 August 2006

Turkısh Bath

Turkısh bath was great!!!

Fırst. you strıp down nude and they provıde you a tıny whıte cloth to wear. (I don,t really see the poınt sınce you are takıng a bath and ıt,s whıte so ıt really leaves nothıng to the ımagınatıon).

You sıt ın a Sauna untıl you are nıce and sweaty. Then you lıe on a bıg marble stone and a half-naked guy basıcally bathes you. Its a lıttle ıntımıdatıng at fırst, but then you get over ıt. They scrub all the dead skın off of you, and you see ıt all on the stone. Then they do a very ıntense massage, ıts actually paınful at fırst and feels good afterwards.

After an hour of scrubbıng and massage and bathıng, you then get splashed wıth really, really cold water. Then you sıt and veg for a whıle and let your skın breath (the room ıs ıncredıbly hot).

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